Scott Cottrell
Scott Cottrell is a retired US Army Colonel. A graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, he served for 29+ years in the U.S. Army in locations worldwide, including as Commander of the US Army Kwajalein Atoll/Kwajalein Missile Range, now the Reagan Test site. Scott has three master’s degrees, including a Master’s in Military Art and Science from the Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies; and a Master’s in National Security and Strategic Studies from the US Naval War College. Scott’s other military assignments included the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii; the Near East Project Office in Ovda, Israel, with the US Army Corps of Engineers; US Southern Command’s Engineer Directorate in Panama; XVIII Airborne Corps G3 Plans section in Fort Bragg, NC; US Space Command J5 Plans Section; and the US Central Command’s Engineer. He is married to Peggy, with two children and eight grandchildren.